hard lesson

美 [hɑːrd ˈlesn]英 [hɑːd ˈlesn]
  • 沉痛的教训
hard lessonhard lesson
  1. The recession is teaching us a hard lesson , he wrote .


  2. Meanwhile , the company has learnt a hard lesson about operating in a different culture from its own .


  3. This has been a hard lesson for Americans to learn .


  4. that you may learn sooner than most generations the hard lesson


  5. It is a hard lesson to learn , but we must all learn it .


  6. This is hard lesson to learn .


  7. Mikhail Gorbachev was the last to learn this hard lesson 20 years ago .


  8. Another hard lesson from the credit crunch is that deftly regulating banks is easier said than done .


  9. But he has learnt a hard lesson about those who are driven less by ideas of social service than profits .


  10. It is crucial to give your plans time to develop , even if patience is a hard lesson for you to learn .


  11. But Michael 's first hard lesson would come when he tried out for the varsity team at Laney High .


  12. Despite her admission of immaturity , Guo has learned a hard lesson : all actions have consequences .


  13. This was a hard lesson for me to learn & until it broke up a7-ye a r relationship .


  14. And this was the first hard lesson that Obama learned in Chicago : most of these ministers weren 't willing to cooperate with each other .


  15. Duality has been a hard lesson to go through at the levels you are in , but your progress up the spiritual ladder has been phenomenal .


  16. The first hard lesson many beginning Java developers learn is that if the class name and file name don 't match exactly ( including upper-and lowercase ), the class won 't compile .


  17. This is a hard life lesson to learn , but it may be the most important of all : Life can change in an instant .


  18. If your body is game enough to knit itself back together after a hard physical lesson , to make scar tissue , that means you 're still alive , means you 're on the path toward healing .


  19. Tom works very hard at his lesson , so do his classmates .


  20. And I learned that I could take a hard hit , a lesson that I would relearn a couple more times in my childhood and later in life .
